Contact us for a no obligation discussion to see how we can help

We specialise in helping people navigate the often-challenging waters of family breakdown. Whether you need help with agreeing arrangements for your children, complex property division, or any other matter relating to divorce or separation, we are here to provide expert guidance and support every step of the way.

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Family law mediation is a confidential, cost-effective, and swift (when compared to litigation) method of resolving family law disputes.

Variation and Enforcement

If your circumstances have changed, we can advise and represent you on varying or enforcing a financial consent order.


If you’re having difficulties in agreeing the arrangements for your children, or if you’re unmarried and wondering about getting financial support for your children, we can advise and represent you.

Pre and Post Nuptial Agreements

Pre Nuptial agreements ( PreNups ), are becoming increasingly common and we can provide the legal advice and drafting and negotiating skills required to ensure your best interests are protected and the agreement will stand up to possible future court scrutiny.

Financial Settlements

We are experts in advising and representing clients in working out the best financial settlement possible on divorce or the end of a cohabiting relationship. We understand how important it is to secure a settlement that will allow you to move forward to a positive future.


With over 30 years’ experience in complex divorce and civil partnership dissolution cases, we can advise and represent you throughout your divorce.

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